New commissions: Computer Weekly, July 2024

For the storage section of Computer Weekly, I am writing a feature on hybrid multicloud storage.

The piece will cover the following points:

  • What is hybrid/multi-cloud storage? 
  • What are the benefits of hybrid/multi-cloud storage?
  • What pitfalls does hybrid/multi-cloud storage bring? 
  • What workloads can most benefit from hybrid/multi-cloud storage?
  • What customers / workloads are a no-no for hybrid multi-cloud storage? 
  • What technical solutions can help make best use of hybrid/multi-cloud storage?

I am happy to receive technical briefs on this topic from vendors, as well as input from analysts or consultants. Any real-world examples of hybrid multicloud storage in use are also welcome.

The deadline for submissions is 1700hrs Tuesday 9th July.

To contribute, please contact me by email in the first instance.